Author: Tomasz Zgola
Skupieniec lipowy – wizja lokalna
Skupieniec lipowy to gatunek owada inwazyjnego coraz częściej pojawiający się w Polsce. W okresie zimowo-wiosennym mozemy niekiedy spotkać ogromen, wielotysięczne skupienia tego owada na pniach lipy. Więcej na ten temat […]
Invasive species in Poland – local example of global changes.
“May you live in interesting times” – Oxycarenus lavaterae and climate change Although the old Chinese proverb sounds like a promise of extraordinary and positive impressions, it is essentially a […]
Smog explained
In short: a word “smog” formed from a cluster of two words: smoke and fog. It is an atmospheric phenomenon resulting from the mixing of fog with smoke and exhaust […]
Microplastic explained.
In short: the term refers to plastic particles with a diameter of less than 5 mm. It is produced intentionally during the production process of substances such as glitter or […]
Australia in fire and global changes
The recently observed catastrophic fires hitting the Australian continent are unfortunately just a “brick” in the overall structure of changes taking place on our planet. Fires of the Amazon Forest, […]